How To Delegate Document Management Without Losing Control

Owning and running your business is difficult but staying focused on growing and ensuring its success is top priority. You are the CEO, the administration, the web master, the content creator and so much more. While gratifying, it can also be overwhelming and stressful. How do you stay at the top of your game, while simplifying it and maintaining a high standard of professionalism?

The key to maintaining your business and embracing the professional CEO mindset comes down to one thing. Delegation! Being a CEO who likes to be more hands on and into the details is a fantastic characteristic to have. It is a strong entrepreneurial quality that you should not dismiss as it is crucial to not lose sight of the details. The reality is that there are tasks that you execute daily that you could – and should – delegate. We all like to maintain some level of control, but it is about knowing when, and what, to let go of.

Delegating will help you look more professional across all your communication channels. It will streamline your day-to-day life and create efficiencies in your business.

How long can you keep doing everything?

In this 5-part series, I aim to help you uncover and understand where you can delegate tasks. This delegation of responsibilities will streamline your business and simplify your life. Your goal is for your business to thrive with a much less stressed you at the helm, so let me help you achieve this!

What are the 5 areas of your business that you should consider delegating responsibilities? These 5 key areas can free up your time and create a relationship with your clients that is professional, reliable, and dependable.

  • Document Management  

  • Email Management  

  • Scheduling and Calendar Management  

  • Contact Management  

  • Expense Management 

Managing Your Documents Like A CEO

In part 1 of the five key areas of your business we are going to start by exploring Document Management, and how to simplify it. This takes us beyond just filing and organizing your documents, while it’s essential, this also includes the creation of your documents and editing of your work.

Simplifying and enhancing your Document Creation

Do you have standard questions or requirements that you need from each of your clients? Do you spend too much time writing the same documents or presentations over and over? 

Having someone to help you streamline your client onboarding process, as well as your ongoing meeting documentation will not only save you time but will ensure that you appear more professional to both your prospective and existing clients. Seeing branded and standardized materials instills trust and dependability with your clients. It also assists you so that you have all the critical information you need, right at your fingertips because you know the process and have familiarity with the standardized materials. 

Edit like a Pro  

Oftentimes, you know what to say, but do not always know how to say it. And, with so many other daily tasks, taking time to be composed can be daunting. This is where having editing help becomes paramount. No one wants a misspelled word or incorrect grammar, but even more important than that is consistency. Having someone to create, edit and/or format your documentation helps to create a consistent tone and voice to your business and your brand. This will allow you to be more professional across your documentation. Everyone can use a second set of eyes and have a dedicated person to help you alleviate a lot of stress.

A Filing System is Critical to Looking Professional

While some may believe that filing and organization of documents is not critical, the truth is that managing your documentation systematically is fundamental to the success of your business.  

Have you ever spent more time than you should looking for a file you needed for your call in 10 minutes? Have you accidentally provided an earlier version of a document to a client due to improper naming conventions? Yup, we’ve all done it, and it’s not a great position to be in!  

While the throw everything into a shoebox method (digitally, this would be called “My Documents”) is something that can be considered, will you ever have time to go back to that shoebox and organize it? If you need your client documents at your fingertips, you do not want to waste any time searching for them. All this does is waste more time that you don’t have.  

You do not need to spend lots of money investing in a robust document management system that can be difficult to use. You want to simplify your day-to-day, not make it more difficult. Utilizing consistent naming conventions for your file names and folder structures within your computer’s folders will effectively produce a professional repository for all your documentation. And with cloud sharing, the ability to create a mutual place for you and your client to share and edit important documentation will strengthen your relationship by having a reliable shared workspace.  

I hope that after reading Part 1, you can start to see how delegating some of your responsibilities can help you become the CEO you aspire to be as well as help you achieve the success you deserve and give you extra time for activities that matter.   

If you find yourself struggling with who to delegate these tasks to you, or you are a one-person show, let’s have a chat! At ROSAPEL, we have been working in document management for over 35 years for large corporations and small businesses and our tried-and-true methodologies will simplify your life, enhance your business, and maintain the level of professionalism that you require. We’ve been making business owners look and operate as the true professional CEO’s they are. Need it done? We’re the one!   


How To Delegate Email Management and Bring Calm to the Chaos of your Inbox