How to stay on top of your schedule, master your busy calendar and regain control of your days

How often have you had to reschedule a meeting, only to find there was no time and you are forced to rearrange entire days in your calendar? Have you ever felt overwhelmed by your schedule? Do you feel disorganized and not prepared for Client meetings? You are not alone. In today’s ever increasing digital world, it is more difficult than ever to manage your busy schedule.


As a CEO, your time is in high demand, both internally and with your clients. The last thing you want to spend your valuable time on is sorting out your days. As the leader of your company, it is imperative that you leave time for your deliverables, in amongst all your meetings and Client calls, and it can be difficult to manage your calendar while trying to both maintain and grow your business.


In the first two parts of this blog series, we explored how to successfully delegate tasks related to document management and inbox management so that you could bring calm to the chaos of your inbox and your document management. Today, we are going to dive a bit deeper and explore how delegation of your calendar and scheduling can keep you on top of your schedule and truly master your busy calendar. You will be better organized and more prepared to tackle each day, something top CEOs have mastered!


It may seem daunting at first to consider having someone else manage your schedule. You want to be sure you know exactly what is going into your days. This is where a review of how you currently manage your time will be beneficial. How long does a typical meeting take depending on what type of meeting it is? Do you commute? How long does that take? When do you most often block time for your personal needs, and when do you block time to work on your deliverables? Discussing these key details will help them ensure your schedule is optimized to your specific needs. You will be far more productive because your days will be laid out for you, and you will not spend time managing your calendar, which leaves you with more time to focus on each task at hand.


Managing Meetings and Calls


Meetings and Client calls can sometimes seem endless. And trying to fit them into your already jam-packed days can take time and energy away from your business. A successful CEO mindset is one that knows that delegating tasks such as managing their calendar will increase their overall productivity tenfold. Having someone assist in scheduling your client calls and meetings will take a lot of the more menial tasks away from your day. This person can help:


·         Schedule your calls and meetings

·         Reorganize your schedule as needed

·         Send reminders to meeting attendees (including agenda items, and collateral)

·         Call Clients when you may be running behind schedule

·         Send meeting follow up emails

·         Place follow up calls after a meeting to reiterate next steps and schedule your next call


They become an integral part of your business, keep you organized and lets you rest easy knowing that you are concentrating on your number one priority, building your business.



Blocking Time for Work


A successful CEO knows that each day is a fine balance between meetings, Client calls and getting the work done. In last month’s blog, we talked about setting up reminders and tasks as outcomes from emails so that you would be reminded of your key deliverables. The next step is blocking time in your calendar for work. Having assistance to actively block time in your calendar so you can meet your deliverables and get work done will help you be more efficient, more streamlined, and much less stressed about finishing your work each day.


Personal Life Balance


Everyone needs a day off, whether it’s for a personal appointment or vacation. Having someone manage your calendar means that you are not the only one scheduling your days. This helps you better manage your schedule around your personal time. Business won’t stop if you need to disconnect. They will be able to contact Clients to schedule calls, book internal meetings and keep your schedule up to date. This gives you more flexibility to be away and still ensure your business keeps moving. It’s one less thing you to worry about when you return, as your perfectly managed schedule will be waiting for you.


I hope that this month’s blog gives you the confidence to consider handing over the reins of your calendar to someone and how delegating this task can ensure your focus remains where it needs to be, the growth of your business.


If you find yourself struggling with who to delegate these tasks to you, or you are a one-person show, let’s have a chat! At ROSAPEL, we have been working with our clients to help manage their schedules for over 35 years. Our proven methodologies will simplify your life, enhance your business, and maintain the level of professionalism that you require. We have been making business owners look and operate as the true professional CEO’s they are. Need it done? We’re the one!



Expense Management: How to stay on top of it all.


How To Delegate Email Management and Bring Calm to the Chaos of your Inbox