Six reasons why hiring a virtual assistant just makes good business sense. 

Are you struggling to keep up with your day-to-day tasks?  

Do you want to grow your business but are too bogged down in administrative duties? 

Do you find yourself focusing more on the running of your business rather than growing it?  

Are you feeling overwhelmed by trying to balance it all? 

 If any of these questions made you stop and think, even for a minute, then you know that it is time for some help. But how, or who? You don’t necessarily want to hire a full-time employee but also don’t know how many hours you need each day or week. You may not have the physical space or the head count to allow hiring an employee at all. You are at a loss of what to do, but you know you must do something.  

This is where hiring a virtual assistant could be the solution to your problems. A virtual assistant is there to help when you need it for all those day-to-day tasks that you are just not able to keep up with. So why should you think about hiring a virtual assistant? What can they do for you? The answer is so much! And here are six key reasons why you should consider it: 

1. Cost Efficiencies: This may surprise you, but hiring a virtual assistant can actually be a cost-effective solution for your company! By hiring someone remotely, it eliminates the need for them to have a physical workspace, company computer and equipment. It can also mean that you don’t have to pay employee benefits or vacation. Also, because you will set a schedule with them, you are only paying for the hours worked and tasks completed. If you are considering that they would only be part time, this will be a big cost savings to a salaried employee. All these things equate to saving money on overhead costs, while still getting the help you need with your administrative tasks. 

2. Increased Productivity: You need more time back in your day. Hiring a virtual assistant will give you back that valuable time to focus on the key areas you need to grow your business. By delegating the administrative tasks, you will reduce distractions and interruptions to yourself so you can focus on leading. There will be more time to dedicate to your team and overall strategy for the company. Not only that, but the virtual assistant will also get the tasks done more efficiently because they will not be distracted and interrupted by the business. Productivity will increase across the board.  

3. Flexibility: One of the key benefits of hiring a virtual assistant is the flexibility they provide with their working hours. Does your business need someone to work afternoons to get ready for the next day? They can do that. If you need someone to dedicate a few hours in the evening to an international client, that can be done. Because their hours are usually not the conventional 9-5, you can utilize a virtual assistant to meet your exact business needs. This flexibility means you will be more prepared because you are using their capabilities in a way that best suits your company.  

4. Skill Sets: Virtual assistants are experts at what they do. Their organization and time management skills are a craft that they perfect each day. You wouldn’t hire a chef to do your marketing work. So why is the leader of the company focusing too much time on tasks that can easily be delegated? The unique skill set that a virtual assistant can bring to your company will increase productivity, streamline processes, and just make things run that much smoother.  

5. Scalability: Each business has their own unique needs, and those needs can also evolve over time. Virtual assistants are a completely scalable solution for you. As your business needs change, so can the number of tasks or the amount of time you have with your virtual assistant. A virtual assistant is adaptable by nature, which means that they can work with you as your business grows and evolves.  

6. Work Life Balance: An effective leader is one who knows when to step back. As the saying goes, you cannot pour from an empty cup. Having a virtual assistant means that you are not always tied to your inbox. Knowing that you have someone dedicated to helping respond to emails and organize your calendar while you are away or simply completed work for the day means that you get to disconnect. Your overall wellbeing will be positively impacted as well because you will be less stressed about the day-to-day tasks knowing that you are covered so you can focus on the company’s future.  

As you can see, adding a virtual assistant to your company just makes good business sense. Not only will you achieve cost savings, which alone is a win, but you will see increased productivity and have the flexibility and scalability to utilize their unique skills tailored to your specific needs.  

We hope today’s blog has helped you decide to investigate hiring a virtual assistant. We are here to help. Whether you need a consultation or are ready to hire, give us a call! ROSAPEL’s tried-and-true methodologies will simplify your life, enhance your business, and maintain the level of professionalism that you require. We have been making business owners look and operate as the true professional CEO’s they are. Need it done? We’re the one! 


Saving money in your business with a virtual assistant


What is a Virtual Assistant and how can they help you become a better leader?