
Do you need help to decipher your virtual assistant requirements?

We discuss your business model, its requirements, the type of work you perform daily, weekly, monthly, and annually, and ways to start delegating.

To meet your needs, we discuss the best type of virtual assistant(s) for you and your business model.

We provide you with the steps required to bring on a new virtual assistant and how to develop trust to ensure a successful relationship.

How do I become a Virtual Assistant?

Have questions on what is required to become a virtual assistant? 

We listen to all your questions, provide you with real-life testimony on the trials and tribulations of starting a Virtual Assistant business and provide you with the resources you require for your next steps.

Dedicated packages available

Starting at $399 + HST

*All sessions include a post-session report.

ROSAPEL provides a 100% confidentiality policy.  Through discussions or working with ROSAPEL, information may be obtained about your clients, customers, or staff.  All information is confidential.